Fred Humphrey

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Fred Humphrey
  • Age: 78
  • Date of Birth: July 20, 1935
  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Birthplace: Raised in New Orleans, Louisiana

Family Background:

  • Fred Humphrey has three brothers and two sisters, indicating a large family upbringing.
  • In 1953, Fred joined the Army and was stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia.
  • In 1969, he married Rose Harris, and they had a son, Clarence, in 1972.

Military Service and Retirement:

  • Fred served in the Army for 24 years, retiring with PTSD and depression, likely stemming from his military experiences.
  • After retiring from the Army, Fred and his wife Rose relocated to Butt Fuck, Georgia.

Personal Challenges and Coping Mechanisms:

  • Rose, Fred’s wife, passed away in 2017, leaving Fred to live with his son Clarence.
  • Fred suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, compounded by depression and PTSD, which he manages through the use of medical marijuana. This helps to alleviate his symptoms and mood swings.
  • Without the influence of marijuana, Fred exhibits a split personality known as “St. Humphrey,” characterized by suspicious behavior such as polishing guns, walking around the house naked, and being distrustful of neighbors, especially white people.
  • Fred Humphrey smokes cannabis’s for one of his medical issues.

Personality Traits:

  • Fred is known for his directness and outspoken nature, often speaking his mind without filter.
  • He can come across as abrasive or even confrontational, earning him the reputation of being “the greatest asshole.”
  • Despite his rough exterior, Fred has a deep-seated fondness for his late wife, Rose, particularly reminiscing about her when he indulges in whiskey.

Family Dynamics and Relationships:

  • Fred has strained relationships within the household, particularly with Berniece’s mother, Loretta, whom he finds difficult to tolerate.
  • He has a complex relationship with his son Clarence, which includes moments of mutual support and likely tension given their close living arrangement and Fred’s condition.

Conclusion: Fred Humphrey emerges as a complex character shaped by his military service, personal losses, and ongoing health challenges. His use of medical marijuana highlights his adaptive approach to managing his conditions, albeit with occasional lapses into behavior associated with his illness. Despite his gruff demeanor and sometimes erratic behavior, Fred’s underlying kindness and love for his late wife underscore a deeper, more vulnerable side to his character, waiting to be understood and supported by those around him, particularly his family.